Pandora's Promise

Documentary - 2013 - USA - English - 90 minutes

All environmentalists and left-leaning political activists oppose nuclear energy, right? Wrong. We all know the nuclear meltdowns in Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and now Fukushima all of which all of which signal the potential of a global nuclear holocaust, right? Wrong. What if everything we knew about nuclear energy was wrong? What if nuclear power is the only energy source that has the ability to stop climate change? Former nuclear energy critic and documentarian Robert Stone, who was nominated for an Academy Award for Radio Bikini, examines some of the widespread beliefs about the dangers of nuclear energy in an illuminating, myth-shattering and riveting film. Whatever your stance, Stone’s compelling film opens Pandora’s box and promises to change the conversation for years to come. 

Director: Robert Stone

Festivals: Sundance Film Festival 2013

Distributed in the US by CNN Films